Real-Time Updates

How Notifications Work

When there is more than one person viewing or editing or interacting with a custom property set, and a change has been made, a notification will be displayed to the user.

At this time it is not possible to show who the other user is that is make changes at the same time you are.

Display of the Notification

There are a few different times you will receive notifications in the application which indicate a change has been made to a property set. 

Updates to a property value  or property set

If another user has made changes to a property set you are looking at, like editing a property value, you will see a notification in the panel. 

You will not be able to make any edit until you click the Refresh button.

Addition of a property sets

If another user adds more property sets to the objects you are looking at, you will see a notification in the panel. Click the refresh button to see the latest data.

Removal of a property set

If another user removes a property set from the objects you are looking at, you will see a notification in the panel. Click the refresh button to see the latest data.

Multi-user edits

If another user makes changes to the property set you are editing, upon saving your changes, you will be asked to confirm you would like to save your changes and overwrite their edits.