Using Organizer

Important: This feature requires a Business Premium license or higher.

What is Organizer?

Stay organized by defining breakdown structures and grouping objects together as you see fit. For example, you could create groups by project phase, object type, location (floors or sections), and more.

Examples of Organizer groups:

Organizer Group Types

Organizer groups are a user created hierarchical structure for grouping model objects together for quick access using object linking. Until now, linking objects to Organizer groups has been a manual process. The new rule-based organizer groups feature makes the object linking process more automatic by allowing the user to create a rule by which the hierarchical organizer group is automatically created by the application. 

Manual groups

Rule-based groups

Organizer Tools

Sorting & Filtering

Sort Organizer Groups

Use the sort feature to sort your groups by:

Filter Organizer Groups

Quickly filter the groups by choosing to view all groups created by everyone in the project or view only the ones created by you.

Linked Object Count

The numbers in parentheses under the group name indicate how many objects have been linked to the group and its subgroups. The first number is the total number of linked objects in the group. 

In the example, Group 1 has 102 objects linked to it.

The second number is the total number of linked objects in nested groups.

In the example, Group 1a has 27 objects linked to it.


Create intersections of multiple groups by selecting more than one group while holding down the CTRL key. For example, by selecting the groups “Footings” and “Section B”  the user highlighted all footings in the section B of the building.

Next Topic: Manual Groups