Coloring Measurements

Coloring Measurements

Measurements can be colored using one of the colors available in Trimble Connect for Browser’s 3D Viewer. The different available colors are shown on the right. To create a measurement with another color, simply choose the wanted color, and then create the measurement.

The last used color for each measurement tool is remembered and saved as a default.

You can also change the color of an already existing measurement, by selecting the measurement and changing the color. Colors are saved in Views.

Changing the color of an existing measurement does not change the default color setting.


Set the Global Color for Measurements

Setting the global color will apply to all new measurements.

To set the global color

Change the Color for a Single Measurement

If you want to override the global color, and set the color for measurements, you can do so through the measurement editing toolbar.


These instructions assume that you have already created a measurement in Trimble Connect for Browser's 3D Viewer.

To change the color for a measurement 

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