Text Markups
Text markups are used to write on object surfaces to add information to a View.
The text can be edited after creation.
The placement of the text box cannot be moved after creation, but the location of the endpoint can be changed after creation.
Text markup color can be changed after creation.
Snapping Preferences
You can specify point, face or line snap preferences for text markups.
Add a Text Markup
To create the markup
Open your project in Trimble Connect for Browser.
Navigate to the 3D Viewer.
For more information - please see Accessing the 3D Viewer.After you have loaded a model inside the Viewer, on the toolbar, open the Markup Menu by clicking Markup Options.
Activate the Text Markup tool.
Pick the point where you want to add the text markup.
Type the desired text in the text box.
To save the text markup, press ENTER on the keyboard.
Edit a Text Markup
These instructions assume that you have already created a markup in Trimble Connect for Browser's 3D Viewer.
To edit the markup
Select a markup you have created.
Double click the text.
You can add more text.
Note: Pressing the DELETE Key will delete the markup.To save the text markup, press ENTER on the keyboard.
To move the position of the text markup, click and drag the text box to the desired area.
Release the left mouse button.
Next Topic: Draw Freehand Markups